Wednesday, September 23, 2009

too blessed to be stressed

Is there any way we can have an extra long weekend say, oh tomorrow?

Sickness and the chaos of school are starting to take a small toll. Although everything is super, and I have no reason to truly complain, the routine of school and work is wearing me out. I am in the middle of an 18 hour semester! I am taking mostly freshman level classes (transferring...ugh) and even though it is ridiculously simple compared to past semesters, I don't feel like the bulk of this really applies to my major. I am SO ready to be back in schools and learning about teaching! It is getting increasingly harder to stay motivated for classes that don't hold my attention because they are teaching me nothing about teaching. That being said, I really am WAY too blessed to be stressed. :) We have great, mostly flexible jobs and schedules that for the most part, really work with each other! School is mostly simple and grades are up. We are loving every minute of being married and are loving each other more with every day. God is so good to us!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

oh new mexico...

So it finally happened. I am officially a NM resident...not quite to sure to feel about that, but regardless of what my driver's license says, I will ALWAYS be a Texas girl! After a long, picky process I was finally able to get a NM license and not only that, but also get a VERY nice discount on tuition now that I am considered a resident. I never really realized how much process comes with getting and changing things like a SS card and driver's license! I have so many things that still have Cruz on them and with our TEP portfolio being due on Friday, our apartment/my car are pretty full of paperwork! Regardless of the craziness, I love the married life and wouldn't change a thing!

Also, a little prayer I mentioned earlier, our TEP is due on Friday. We have been working pretty hard getting recommendations, writing papers and putting everything together for them. We absolutely need to do a great job on these, or basically we delay graduation by a pray for us as we tie up the loose ends of out portfolios and turn them, hoping for acceptance into the program. And speaking of...I better get back to working... :)